The Site Notes button opens the notes for the site, where you can add, edit, and delete notes for you and other Technicians to refer to.
Click the Site Notes button.
The Notes lightbox displays.
Click the + button to create a new note.
Type out the note you would like to add for this site. Each note is limited to 500 characters.
Click the SAVE button.
The note is added to the left-hand navigation panel within the Notes lightbox. Notes are listed in this panel in order of most recently modified.
Click the x button to close the Notes lightbox.
Click the Site Notes button.
The Notes lightbox displays.
Select the note from the left-hand navigation panel.
Type in the text area to make any required changes.
Click SAVE, then click the x button to close the Notes lightbox.
Click the Site Notes button.
The Notes lightbox displays.
Select the note from the left-hand navigation panel, and click the DELETE button.
Click YES, then click the x button to close the Notes lightbox.