Frequently Asked Questions about Credential Groups. Please note Credential Group = GC in the follow Questions & Answers.
When should I use a CG? When users travel to different sites that can be linked together and want to use the same credential. E.g. Retail Franchises or Quick Service Restaurants where workers can work at multiple locations - they will only have to remember one user code.
What does it mean to add sites into a CG? A user's credentials will be shared on all sites in the same Credential Group, meaning a user does not have to scan their tag or generate a user code for each individual site.
Can I add a site to more than one CG? No, a site can only be assigned to one Credential Group.
Who can make changes to a CG? Organisation Managers, Branch Managers and Installer Managers can move sites between groups using the 'Move to Existing Group' option or remove sites from a group. All Technician types can add sites to groups or edit credentials.
Does the Site need to be in Installer Mode to make changes? At least one site in the Credential Group must be in Installer Mode for changes to be made.
Do I need to PUBLISH changes to CG? No, changes will be applied as soon as they are saved.
How long before tags/user codes can be used after I added my site to the CG? Provided the network connection is stable, a site's tags and user codes can immediately be used at all sites in the Credential Group.
How do I know what sites are in a Credential Group? In the Installer Portal, select COLUMNS and choose 'Credential Group'.
What if the customer doesn't want a site in a CG anymore?
Click the Credentials dropdown menu.
Select Remove from Group
The Remove from Group lightbox displays
A confirmation warning will appear. To remove the site from the Credential Group, click OK.
WARNING: Removing this site from its current credential group will deactivate all site credentials. The site will then become a standalone site who can regenerate its own credentials.
Can I add a Demo Site to a CG? No, demo sites are intended for training and practicing configuration.
What if I want someone to only access some of the sites in a CG, not all the sites? This is managed with users privileges. Only give a user privileges to the sites you want them to access.
Will anything change in the SMB app that Customers use? Yes, Site Managers can now see Credential Group(s) on their Credentials Page, if they are privileged in any CG(s). Site Managers can now generate tag/user code credentials once for a user to access all sites in their CG.